ComicEcom Blog

Make Me an Offer, Please

Make Me an Offer, Please

How many times do you think someone has visited your website, seen an item they were interested in but moved on because it was just a little too pricey for their budget? If they were physically in your shop, you would at least listen to an offer that was lower than...

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Wants Lists Build Relationships

Wants Lists Build Relationships

A comic book want list is a great way for people to get back order and current issues that they have been wanting. Whether or not it's an issue of Superman from the 80's or an upcoming issue of Captain Marvel, a want list gives power to the customer when it comes to...

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Dollar Bin Gems in the Internet Era

Dollar Bin Gems in the Internet Era

Although the world of comic book collection has seen remarkable transformations through its history, there is one single event, or series of events, that continues to define the collector's marketplace even to this day. This is of course the summer of 1994,...

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